1) Who formed majority in terms in population in Sri Lanka?
Ans.-Sinhalese Buddhists formed majority.
2) Who formed majority in terms of population in Belgium?
Ans.-The Dutch formed majority.
3) What do you mean by Federal division of power? **
Ans.-Power shared at different levels of government.
4) Which community is relatively rich and powerful in Belgium?
Ans.-French minority community.
5) Name the different organs of government in the democratic country.
Ans.-Legislative, executive and judiciary are the organs of democracy country.
6) Why is power sharing good for democracy?
Ans.-It reduces the possibility of conflict between social group(other relative point)
7) Who are Sri Lankan Tamil?
Ans.-Native of Sri Lanka whose speak Tamil.
8) In which country community government exists?
9) Name the languages spoken in Belgium.
Ans.-People speak Dutch, 40% French and 01% percent people speak German.
10)Describe the way in which power can be shared among different social groups.
- Different linguistic and social group can share power .community govt. in Belgium is an example.
- The constitution provides for the representation of women and weaker section in the legislature and administration.
- In India scheduled castes and S.T are given reserved constitution in parliament and state legislatures.
11) Mention any three provision of the Act which was passed in SriLanka in 1956 to establish Sinhala supremacy. ***
- Sinhala to be the official language of Sri Lanka.
- Preferential policy of Sinhalese in government educational institution and job.
- To foster Buddhism (any the relevant points.)
12) What measure where adopted by the Belgium government to accommodate regional and cultural diversities? ***
- The Dutch and French speaking minister were in equal number in the central government.
- Special laws required the support of majority of members from each Linguistic group.
- Many power of the central government had been given to state government of the two reason of the country.
- Brussels had a separate government where both communities were given equal representation.
- Community govt. was introduce.
- It also help to reduce possibility of conflict between social groups and ensure stability of political system.
- Division of power is often an institutional response of social diversity.
13) Describe the various forms of power sharing in modern democracies. Give an example of each of these. ***
- Horizontal division of power:-Power is shared among different organs of government such as the Legislative , executive and judiciary.
- Vertical division of power:-Power can be shared among government at different levels-central government ,state government, municipal and panchayats.
- Division of power in social groups:-Communities government share the power among different social group such as Belgium.
- Division of power among political , pressure groups and movements:-Interest group such as traders, businessman, Industrialist, Formers, workers etc.
14) Give reasons for why power sharing is desirable.
- Power sharing is good because it reduce the possibility of conflict between social group.
- It is stability order the strengthens the unity of the nation.
- Power sharing good for democracy.
- Power sharing is the essence of democracy.
- Democratic rule involve sharing power with those effected by its exercise and who have to live with its effects. (other any relevant points.)
15) What were the advantages enjoyed by the Sinhala community in Sri Lanka? Describe the consequences.
- The leaders of the Sinhala community tried to secure the dominance of their community after Independence.
- They adopted a series of majoritarian measure to establish Sinhala supremacy.
- In 1956 an Act passes to recognize Sinhala as the only official language.
- Special preference in govt. jobs and university positions.
- All those government measure coming one after the other gradually increased the feeling of alienation among the Sri Lanka Tamil.