Q 1.Which Indian states has special status ?
Ans . Jammu & Kashmir.

Q 2. How many times was the constitution of Belgium amended between 1970 and 1993 ? ***
Ans . Four times.

Q 3. Name the countries having ‘coming together’ federation. ***
Ans . USA , Switzerland and Australia.

Q 4.Name the highest institution of Panchayati Raj in rural area is-**
Ans . Zila Parishad.

Q 5. In case of a clash between the laws made by the centre and a state on a subject in the concurrent list, whose law will prevail ? **
Ans . In case of a clash between the laws made by the centre and a state on a subject in the concurrent list , the Union Law will prevail.

Q 6. Who is the head of the Gram Panchyat ?
Ans . Sarpanch.

Q 7. Which level of government in India legislates on the residuary subject ? **
Ans . In India’s federal system’ Union government has the power to legislate on residuary subjects.

Q 8. What is Federalism ? ***
Ans .Federalism is a system of government in which the power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units of the country.

Q9. Why have the subjects like defence , foreign affairs , banking , etc. been included in the Union List ? **
Ans . Defence , foreign affairs , banking are included in the Union List because these subjects are of national importance.

Q1. Distinguish between ‘coming together’ and ‘holding together’ type of federations. ***
Ans .

Coming Together Federalism: Coming Together Federalism involves independent states, in this type units try to increase their security by pooling sovereignty and retaining identity, USA, Switzerland and Australia have Coming Together Federation.
Holding together federalism: In this system the large power to divide its power between the constituent state and national government, In this system there is the absence of pooling sovereignty and retaining identity, India, Spain and Belgium are examples of Holding Together Federations. 

Q2. What steps have been taken by Act of 1992 for decentralization in India? ***
Ans .

  • To hold regular elections to the local government bodies has been made compulsory.
  • Reservation of seats for ST,SC and OBC in the elected bodies.
  • 33 % seats reserve for women.
  • To conduct election for the local government bodies, State Election Commission has been constituted.
  • The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies. (Any 3 points)

Q3. “Federal System has two or more sets of Government”. Justify the statement. **
Ans. As federalism is a system of government in which the power is divided between the union and provinces so, usually it has two levels of government:

  • One is the government for the entire country with the subjects of national importance.
  • The other government is at the level of provinces that looks after the matters of local importance.
Q 4. What do you understand by the three tiers system of Indian federation? **
  • Union government or the central government,
  • The state government and
  • Local Self Government- Panchayati Raj System(Rural level) and Municipalities(Urban level).

 Q 5. ‘Judiciary plays an important role in Indian federalism.’ Justify the statement. **
Ans . 

  • Judiciary with the supreme court at the apex in the sole interpreter of Indian Constitution.
  • It plays a pivotal role in the implementation of constitutional provisions and procedures.
  • The disputes about the division of power are settled by the Judiciary. Hence, judiciary consider as the guardian of the Indian federalism.
       Long Answer Questions :

Q1. How is Federalism practiced in India? ***

  • Linguistic States
  • Language Policy
  • Central – state Relations (Explain poins )

Q2. State  differences between the local government before and after the Constitution amendment in 1992. ***

  • Local government before the Constitution amendment in 1992: Elections were not held regularly, local government did not have any power or resources of their own.
  • Local government after the Constitution amendment in 1992:It is constitutionally mandatory to held regular elections to local government bodies, the state government are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies.
Q3. Describe any five features of federal government. ***
  • Two or more levels of government.
  • Constitutional status.
  • Independent judiciary.
  • Financial Autonomy.
  • Distribution of powers.(Explain poins).
Q4. Discuss the Constitutional Amendment of 1992 regarding the decentralization of powers. ***
  • To hold regular elections to the local government bodies has been made compulsory.
  • Reservation of seats for ST,SC and OBC in the elected bodies.
  • 33 % seats to be reserve for women.
  • To conduct election for the local government bodies, State Election Commission has been constituted.
  • The state governments require to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies.