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Democratic Rights - Class IX

Democratic Rights

Democratic rights in different countries are very important for short questions.

  • Guantanamo bay – an island near Cuba was controlled by American navy.
  • About 600 people were picked up by the American force.
  • Amnesty International was an international human rights organization.
Q. Explain about needs of rights in democracy.

Answer: In a democratic country rights are very essential for the following reasons:

  • So that people can choose their leader by the process of election.
  • Protesting against the ruling party if they are taking wrong decision.
  • Taking part in the political activities freely.
  • Expressing their views or opinions to solve their problems.
  • To protect minorities from the oppression of the majorities.
  • Protecting peoples’ rights which may be violated by others.
  • If the government try to violate the rights of the people, common people have the right to protest against the government to the judiciary section.
Q. Mention the rights in the Indian constitution.

Answer: Like other democratic countries in India also mentioned some rights in the constitution. Some particular rights are very essential in our life. These rights have some specialty. These special rights are ‘fundamental rights’. In Indian constitution there are six fundamental rights. Which are as follows:

  • Rights to equality.
  • Right to freedom.
  • Rights against exploitation.
  • Right to freedom of religion.
  • Cultural and educational rights. and –
  • Right to constitutional remedies.
Q. Explain about (any three) different fundamental rights in detail.


  • Rights to equality:

Each and every citizen of the country are equal before the law. Here no one can discriminate any one on the basis of caste, sex, economic status, religion etc. All citizens will get equal opportunity to use public properties like hospitals, schools or playgrounds etc.

  • Right to freedom:

All citizen will enjoy different types of freedom. Like freedom to speech, express views, assemble peacefully, move freely throughout the country or freedom to take any profession. In these freedom of the people no one can force others to do anything.

  • Right to freedom of religion:

Freedom to religion includes no one can force others to take any religion. Each and every citizens are free to take any religion voluntarily. All people can organize or practice their religious activities, obviously without harming others.

  • Rights against exploitation:

Here exploitation mean some inhuman practices harmful for human resources, like human trafficking, child labour, ‘begar’ system etc. No one take forced labour, or human trafficking is considered as illegal or criminal offence. Any may be punished due to above mentioned any kind of human resources exploitation activities.

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