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Previous Year Questions - Class 11 Geography CBSE board

Previous Year Questions – Class 11 Geography CBSE board

Previous year questions are very important to know the pattern of the question. This questions follows the new rules and guidelines by cbse board. Here Previous year question’s provable answers are designed by experts. This will help you to Previous year questions and give ideas to attend 100%. (Previous Year Questions)

SEE 2019-2020
Section- A

  • The systematic Geography approach is same as the general geography. This approach was introduced by-
    1. Alexander Von Humboldt,
    2. Karl Ritter,
    3. Vidal de la blach,
    3. none of them
    Answer: Alexander Von Humboldt.
  • In 1920 evidences were given that the universe is expanding. who provided the evidence?
    1. Immanuel Kant,
    2. Edwin Hubble,
    3. Chamberlin,
    4. Harold Jaffrey
    Answer: Edwin Hubble
  • The big splat is associated with-
    1. The Big Bang Theory
    2. the development of planetesimal,
    3. the formation of the Moon
    4. none of the above.
    Answer: the formation of the Moon.
  • Which of the following is a minor plate?
    1. Arabian plate,
    2. North American plate
    3. the Australian plate
    4. Eurasian plate.
    Ans: Arabian plate.
  • Which of the following wave can travel only through solid material only?
    1. P wave,
    2. Surface wave,
    3. S wave.
    4. All the waves mentioned.
  • Which one of the following is the type of plate boundary of the Indian Plate along the Himalayan mountains?
    1. Ocean continent convergence
    2. divergent boundary
    3. transform boundary
    4. continent-continent boundary.
    Answer: continent continent boundary.
  • Which one of the following is the hardest minerals?
    1. Gold
    2. Silver
    3. Diamond
    4. graphite
    Answer: diamond.
  • Which of the following is the gravitational process?

    1. deposition
    2. volcanism
    3. Diastrophism
    4. Erosion.
    Answer: erosion

  • A deep valley characterized by step step like side slopes is known as-
    1. U shaped Valley
    2. George
    3. Blind Valley
    4. Canyon
    Answer: Canyon
  • In which of the following stages of landform development downward cutting is dominated?
    1. Youth stage
    2. late mature stage
    3. Early mature stage
    4. Old stage.
    Answer: Youth stage.
  • In which of the following cities days are longest?
    2. Hyderabad
    3. Chandigarh
    4. Nagpur

Answer: Thiruvananthapuram.

  • Which country is not included in the Indian subcontinent?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Afghanistan
    4. Nepal
    Ansa: Afghanistan.
  • Which one of the following rivers flow in the rift Valley?
    1. The Narmada
    2. The luni
    3. The Yamuna
    4. The son
    Answer: The Narmada.
  • Select the correct pair from the following:
    1. Kashmir Himalayas- Karewas
    2. Srinagar- bank of river Jhelum
    3. Wular Lake- salt water lake
    4. Mishmi tribe- jhum cultivation
    Answer: Wular as salt water lake.
  • According to koppen’s scheme of climatic regions of India most of the Western Ghats experience is which type of climate?
    1. Anw
    2. BWhw
    3. Dfc
    4. E.
    Answer: Amw.
  • Which is the first Biosphere Reserve of India established in 1986?
    1. Sundarban
    2 Gulf of Mannar
    3. Nanda Devi
    4. Nilgiri
    Answer: Nilgiri.
  • Sandalwood is an example of-
    1. deciduous
    2. deltaic
    3. Alpine
    4. none of these.
  • Answer: deciduous.

  • ITCZ stands for-
    1. Indian time Confluence zone
    2. inter tropical convergence zone
    3. Inter Terrestrial convergence zone
    4. inter tropical Confluence zone.
    Answer: inter tropical convergence zone.
  • Which of the following is the main reason for the gully erosion in India?
    1. Wind erosion
    2. Excessive leaching
    3. running water
    4. overgrazing.
    Answer: running water.
  • In which of the following river is the Majuli river Island situated?
    1. Brahmaputra
    2. Ganga
    3. Gomti
    4. Ghagra
    Answer: Brahmaputra
  • Which of the following states receive flood in winter months?
    1. Assam
    2. West Bengal
    3. Kerala
    4. Tamilnadu
    Answer: Tamil Nadu.
  • Section- B (Previous Year Questions)

    • Explain in brief the formation of any 3 As given below:
    • River meanders and oxbow lake:
      A river channel with extremely low gradient with Alluvial deposits forms cup and bands with active position in the convex bank and undercutting along the concave Bank are called meanders. These meanders when create deep loops the may get cutoff called the ox-bow lakes.
    • Stalactite and Stalacmites:

    • Limestone deposits hanging as icicles from the roof of the limestone topography caves.
      Limestone deposits rising from the floor of the limestone topography caves.
    • Cirque and horn:
      In the glaciated mountains the accumulated ice cuts the deep troughs on the sides of the mountains is known as cirques.
      The steep side peaks formed by the head ward erosion of the cirque is known as Horn.
    • Moraine and Drumlins:
      Deposited debris brought down by the glaciers at its different parts are called the Moraine.
      Oval shaped deposits of rock debris brought down by the glaciers forming ridge like feature in the direction of the flow of the glacier, which is known as drumlins.
    • Wave cut platforms and sea caves:
      Wave cut platforms: Along rocky coasts continuous pounding of waves on the sea cliff giving rise to flat platforms at foot of the cliffs.
      Sea Caves: Waves dashing sea cliff form hollows which get widened and deepened forming sea caves.
    • Alluvial fans and delta:
      Streams flowing from higher levels dump their deposits at the foot of the hills forming a cone shape.
      Delta: Deposits of load carried by rivers at its mouth with distributaries forming the shape of trainagle.
    • Spring Tide and Neap Tide:

      Sun, moon and earth are in straight line, the height of tides will be higher due to join attraction power by the sun and the moon.
      On the other hand, Sun, moon and earth are in right angle, the height of tides will be lower.

    • Give two reasons why Tamil Nadu remain dry in the main south-west monsoon season. Explain how north western part of India gets the winter rains.
      Tamil Nadu is dry during summers because: Rain shadow area of the Western Ghats and Bay of Bengal branch of monsoon flows parallel to the Tamil Nadu coast.
      Cyclonic depressions originating from the Mediterranean Sea carries moisture to the north western part of India causing winter rains beneficial for the Rabi crops.
    • Explain any three mitigation measures which are best suited for earthquake.
      1. Establishing earthquake monitoring center.
      2. Preparing vulnerability map of the area.
      3. Modifying house types and building design.
    • Explain any three differences between the tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous forest.
      Evergreen forest: Annual precipitation more than 200 cms., Well stratified forest with no particular time for shedding leaves, Found in the heavy rainfall area of western ghats and North eastern India.
      Decidous forest: Annual precipitation 70-200 cms, depending upon precipitation divided into moist and dry, particular time of shedding leaves, spreaded in the central part called the monsoon forest.

    Section- C (Previous Year Questions)

    • How do you define a tectonic plate? Which is the driving force behind the plate movements? Explain the three types of plate boundaries?
      Plate tectonics: Lithospheric plates both continental and oceanic, irregular blocks as rigid units moving on asthenosphere.
      The radioactive decay and the residual heat from within the earth’s crust creates circular movement beneath the rigid plates, is the driving force.

    Explain with diagram:- (Previous Year Questions)

    1. Convergent Plate boundary: Plates converge, and one dives under other at the subduction zone.
    2. Divergent Plate boundary: Plate diverge from each other generating new crust.
    3. Transform Plate boundary: Plates slide horizontally past each other neither creating nor destroying plates.

  • There are different ways of heating and cooling of the atmosphere. Explain how ‘Convection’ and ‘Advection’ causes the heating and cooling. Explain any three factors controlling the temperature distribution of the atmosphere.
    Convection: The process of vertical heating of atmosphere by upward movement of the hot air and sinking of the cold air.
    Advection: Process of horizontal heating of atmosphere by horizontal movement of air to transmit air.
    Explain the Factors: Latitude, Altitude, Distance from the sea, Air mass and ocean currents.
  • What do you mean by salinity of ocean water? Explain about the factors affecting the ocean salinity. (Previous Year Questions)

    Content of dissolved salt in sea water is called salinity expressed as parts per thousand.
    Factors affecting salinity: Evaporation and precipitation, flow of fresh water, wind, ocean currents.

  • Give two differences between dew and fogs. Based on origin classify the three main types of rainfall.
    Dew: Deposit of moisture in the form water droplets on different surface. The air temperature must be above freezing point.
    Frost: Deposit of ice crystals on different surface with temperature below freezing point. The air temperature must be at or below the freezing point.
    Three types of rainfall: Orographic or Relief- moisture laden wind dashes against a barrier,
    Convection- Hot and light wind rises, gets condensed and precipitation occurs,
    Cyclonic- Two different air masses of warm and cold meet each other and the warm air gets pushed up by the cold air to condense and rain falls.
  • Explain about the structure and the function of the Ecosystem.
    Structure and function of ecosystem: Structure is divided into Biotic and Abiotic.
    Biotic is includes the producers, the consumers and the decomposers. The organisms of the ecosystem is related through Food chain, food web which i is the flow of energy from one level to another.
  • Explains about the five features of North Indian plains. (Previous Year Questions)


    North Indian Plains: 1. Northern plains are formed by the alluvial deposit of Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra.
    2. The plains can be divided into three: The Bhabar, alluvial plain and Tarai
    3. Alluvial plain further divided into Bhangar and Khadar.
    4.Forms one of the largest delta of the world- Sunderban Delta
    5. The fertile helps to grow variety of crops and supports a large population.

  • Give a comparison between the Himalayan and the Peninsular rivers.
    Himalayan rivers: Perennial with antecedent and consequent drainage leading to dendritic pattern, long course, large basins and youthful.
    Peninsular rivers: Seasonal, superimposed and rejuvenated resulting in trellis, rectangular pattern, smaller and fixed course and old rivers. (Just make the full sentences).
  • Name any two drought affected areas in India. Explain any three types of drought. State any two major consequences of drought.
    1. Western Rajasthan 2. Kuchh region of Gujrat.
    Types of Drought: Meteorological Drought: Prolonged period of inadequate rainfall,
    Agricultural Drought: lack of soil moisture leading to crop failure,
    Hydrologial Drought: Lack of water, Ecological Drought: shortage of water leading to ecological distress.
    Conseqences of Drought: Crop Failure, Shortage of water, Death of cattle and other animals etc.
  • Give five reasons for the declining of the wildlife in our country.
    Declining wild life: Industrial advancement, change in the land use, Heavy deforestation, overgrazing, hunting and poaching and forest fires. (Explain each ponts).
  • Explain any five characteristics of the monsoon rainfall in India.

    Characteristics of monsoon rainfall: (Previous Year Questions)

    Seasonal in nature occurring between June to September, largely governed by Relief of the country, declining trend of the rains as it moves away from the sea, occurs in wet spell with rainless intervals, spatial distribution is uneven, unpredictable regarding time, pivotal role in agrarian economy.

  • Map Pointing: (Previous Year Questions)
    World: 1. Labrador current 2. Yellowstone 3. Cocos plate 4. Eastern Himalayas, 5. Kuroshio current.
    In the map of India: 1. Assam, 2. Western ghats/ parts of north eastern plateau 3. Rajasthan/Ladakh 4. The Godavari in peninsular plateau 5. Mahendragiri 6.Sunderban Bio reserve 7. Shipkila.
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