Question 1. Explain the role of popular struggle in development of democracy? **
- Democracy evolves through popular struggle.
- Democratic conflict is resolved through popular struggle.
- Political organizations evolved through this struggle.
Question 2. How do pressure group and movements influence politics?
- They try to gain public support .
- They organize strikes to create pressure.
- Some persons from pressure group may participate in official bodies.
Question 3. What were 3 demands of SPA IN Nepal?
- Restoration of parliament.
- Power to all party government.
- New constituent Assembly.
Question 4. Examine the role of pressure group and movements for deepening democracy? ***
- It reminds government about the need of ordinary citizens.
- Put pressure on government regarding unhealthy activities
- It helps in countering the influence of rich and powerful.
QUESTIONS :[5 marks]
Question 1. Describe popular struggle of Bolivia. ***
- Peoples’s struggle against privatization of water in Bolivia
- Government sold the water supply rights to MNC.
- Water bill increased
- Community leaders organized four day’s strike.
- FEDECOR was formed.
- Strike was called off after negotiation with government.
- Water prices was reduced.
Question.2. Differentiate between issue specific movement and generic movement? ***
a. Issue specific-
- Single objective
- Limited time
- Clear leadership
- Some sort of organisation.
- Broad goal
- Long term
- Independent leadership
- No single organization
Question.3. Explain about the pressure group.
Answer: This are the organizations attempt to influence the policies taken by the government. But this group is not like other political parties who want to get the whole power of the government. This type of organization forms when all the members belong to the common group of activities. and they are facing same type of problems.
Generally pressure groups creates due to fulfill their demands on a particular issues. But, after solving their same problems of all members such type of pressure group become inactive or passive.