Q 1. Why was Non-cooperation Movement launched by Gandhiji? Explain any three reasons.

  • a) Demand of swaraj.
  • b) In Favour of khilafat
  • c)  Rowlatt Act and Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

Q2. How was the Civil Disobedience Movement different from Non –cooperation movement? ***

  • i) In Non cooperation movement refuse to cooperate with colonial government ,while in civil Disobedience movement people violated the colonial law.
  • ii) Muslims and Hindus jointly supported the Non cooperation movement but Muslims were lukewarm on their support to the Civil Disobedience movement .
  • iii)This movement was launched in 1920 in a peaceful way. Civil Disobedience movement launched in 1930 in a violent way.

Q 3. Which three early satyagraha movements were organized by Mahatma Gandhi?  **

  • a) Champaran in Bihar(1916)
  • b) Kheda Gujarat(1917)
  • c) Ahmedabad (1918).

Q 4. How was the collective belonging developed during the freedom movement? **       

  • i) Through the experience of united struggle .
  • ii) Through the cultural process.
  • iii)  Through the re-interpretation of history.
Q 5. How did the salt Satyagraha become an effective tool of resistance against British colonialism in India during 1930? Explain. ***(Nationalism in India)
  • i)   Salt is used by all the people belonging to all communities,
  • ii) Government had monopoly to manufacture it.
  • iii)  Government imposed heavy tax on it.

Q6 Why did different social groups join the Civil Disobedience Movement? Explain. .***

  •  i)   Peasants- to reduce land revenue.
  • ii)  Industrialist- increase import duty on foreign goods.
  • iii)  Industrial labour- to increase wages and improvement in working condition.

Q 7. Examine the background of Poona pact of 1932 in the light of differences between Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar? **

  • i)  Colonial govt. declared for separate electorate for Dalit.
  • ii)  Gandhiji was against that decision.
  • iii)  Gandhiji went on hunger strike.
  • iv)   Then compromise between Gandhiji and Dr. Ambedkar and both agreed for reserved seats for the Depressed class but to be voted from General electorate.
Q 8. What do you know about the peasants movement in Awadh? **(Nationalism in India)
  •  i)  It was organized by baba Ramchandra .
  • ii)  He was a sanyasi worked as indentured labour in Fiji.
  • iii) Abolition of forced labour, illegal eviction, reduce land revenue.
  • iv) Talukdars were socially boycotted,nai, dhobi band andolan was organize.
  • v)   Awadh kisan sabha was formed by Jawaharlal Nehru.

Q 9. Explain the measures taken by Gandhiji to eliminate the problem of untouchability.

  • i) Harijan Yatra was organized.
  • ii)  To glorify the work of Harijan Gandhi ji himself cleaning the toilet.
  • iii) Gandhiji asked the  upper caste  to gave up untouchability .
  • iv)  And soft corner towards Dalits.

 Q 10. Why did the Muslims feel alienated from congress during the Civil Disobedience Movement?

  • i) Muslim  began to organize under the Muslim league leaded by Md.Ali Jinnah.
  • ii) Hindu Mahasabha  also became active and began to demand for Hindu.
  • iii) Both Hindu and Muslim leader consider that congress was a party of Hindu.
  • iv) Congress was unable to setup a balance between different caste and community
  • v) 14 demand of Md. Jinnah was refused by congress.