Q. How the article 17 help to reduce marginalization problems?
Ans: Article 17 of the Constitution states that untouchability has been abolished – what this means is that no one can henceforth prevent Dalits from educating themselves, entering temples, using public facilities etc. It also means that it is wrong to practise untouchability and that this practice will not be tolerated by a democratic government. In fact, untouchability is a punishable crime now.
Q. How article 15 help to reduce marginalization? (Confronting Marginalisation)
Ans: Article 15 of the Constitution notes that no citizen of India shall be discriminated against on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. Generally this uses by Dalits to seek equality. Where it has been denied to them.
Q. Discuss the role of government to reduce marginalization.
Ans: The government makes laws to protect its citizens. There are specific laws and policies made by the government for the marginalized in our country. The government then makes an effort to promote such policies in order to give opportunities to specific groups.
For example, the government provides for free or subsidized hostels for students of Dalit and Adivasi
Q. Discuss about the importance of act, 1989. (Confronting Marginalisation)
Ans: The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes prevention of Atrocities act was passed by the government in 1989. Under this act SC and ST communities protects from the domination and
violence of the powerful castes. The government must take seriously the ill treatment and humiliation Dalits and tribal groups face in an everyday sense. The 1989 Act is important for another reason – Adivasi activists refer to it to defend their right to occupy land that was traditionally theirs.